• Click the link beside the video thumbnail to open it in another web browser. (These videos will NOT direct you to the YouTube website).
  • If there are handouts, you can also click on those links and it will download the files. (check the bottom left of your web browser, or your downloads folder).


AUTHORITY (Spiritual):

NOTE: This video examines the difference between power (dunamis) and authority (exousia).

Video Link = Authority vs Power.


NOTE:  God’s word is “Passive” authority, which must be turned into “Active” authority.

Video Link = You MUST ACTIVATE authority.



NOTE:  You have authority as a King (Physical realm), and a Priest (Spiritual realm).

Video Link = Authority as Kings and Priests.


NOTE:  What does it mean to biblically rebuke and how do you do it?

Video Link = How to rebuke.


NOTE:  Josiah had authority but David had power. Which was greater?

Video Link: Josiah (authority) vs David (power).




NOTE: What does it mean to “call upon” the Lord? Paul said it means to take a name on you and it happens in water baptism.

Video Link = Calling on the Lord.


NOTE: This video shows Paul was baptized in Jesus name, and commanded everyone else to also be baptized in Jesus name.

Video Link = How was Paul Baptized.


NOTE: Do you have to get the Holy Spirit before you can be water baptized, and vice-versa?

Video Link = What first? Water baptism or the Holy Ghost?


NOTE: What version of the name of Jesus are we supposed to say when we baptize someone in water baptism?

Video Link = What version of the Name of Jesus do we say?


NOTE: The legal forgiveness of sins actually takes place in water baptism, not repentance.

Video Link = Forgiveness is in water baptism.


NOTE: This video shows the importance and meaning of the Greek word “onoma” for name. And why saying father, son and spirit never actually said the “NAME” of Jesus.

Video Link = You MUST be baptized in Jesus NAME.


NOTE: Is the name of Jesus “implied” when you say father, son and Holy Spirit in water baptism?

Video Link = Is the Name Jesus implied in father, son and spirit?


NOTE: Is baptism a heaven or hell issue? What happens to those who die right before they can get baptized?

Video Link = Is baptism a heaven or hell issue?


NOTE: Are you saved by faith alone, including NOT having to be water baptized?

Video Link = Jesus name baptism vs faith alone.


NOTE: How should I be baptized? In Jesus name or saying Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Video Link = How to be baptized? Jesus name or Father, Son and Spirit?


Water Baptism-Walkthrough handout = Word

Water Baptism – Walkthrough handout – PDF

Water Baptism- Video Llink



NOTE: Why are you self-destructing? Why is your soul your worst enemy? What is double-mindedness?

Video Link: Why are you self-destructing? Body-soul-spirit connection.



DEMONS (Spiritual Warfare):

NOTE: How to pray for self-deliverance and go through cast out demons, trauma etc.

Video Link: Praying for self-deliverance.


NOTE: Should we fear demons? What does the Bible say?

Video Link: Should we fear demons?


NOTE: What are demons according to the Bible?

Video Link: What are demons?


NOTE: Does possession mean ownership or being influenced?

Video Link: Demon possession: Ownership or influence?


NOTE: What is the progression leading to demon possession with a Biblical example?

Video Link: Demon possession progression.


NOTE: Can a Christian be demon possessed or attacked?

Video Link: Christians possessed or tormented.


NOTE: Are you fighting a demon or your own stronghold? What’s the difference?

Video Link: Demons or strongholds?


NOTE: Does “having” a demon mean it’s inside you, or on, around, or against you?

Video Link: Is “having” demons inside a person?


NOTE: Can children be demon possessed and at what ages?

Video Link: Can children be demon possessed?


NOTE: How does fearing demons convey them worship? What are dangers of fearing demons?

Video Link: Should we fear demons part 2.



NOTE: Why did Jesus say to forgive 70 x 7?

Video Link: Forgive 70 x 7.


NOTE: What’s the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation?

Video Link: Forgiveness vs Reconciliation. 




NOTE: What is the Word of Knowledge and do you receive, use, and control it?

Video Link = What is the Word of Knowledge.


NOTE: What is the Gift of Faith? How do you utilize and harness this amazing gift?

Video Link = Gift of Faith.


NOTE: What is the Word of Wisdom and do you receive, use, and control it?

Video Link = What is the Word of Wisdom.


NOTE: What can you do to receive the Gifts of the Spirit?

Video Link = How to receive Gifts of the Spirit.




NOTE: This video is me praying over you, while scriptures play on the screen.

Video Link: Prayer for healing and deliverance.


NOTE: This video is me praying over you, while scriptures play on the screen.

Video Link: Prayer for your mind.


NOTE: Did Paul have a sickness/disease, or was he harassed by a demon spirit?

Video Link: Paul’s thorn of the flesh.




NOTE: Learn how to distinguish the voice of God from your conscience.

Video Link: God’s voice vs my conscience.


NOTE: Learning how to recognize God’s voice.

Video Link: Is that God, me or the devil?



HOLY SPIRIT / Tongues etc:

NOTE: A detailed video on how to position yourself to receive the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues. I pray with you to receive it in the last 15 minutes of the video.

Video Link: How to receive the Holy Spirit.


NOTE: Do you receive the Holy Spirit when you “believe” or when you speak in tongues?

Video Link: When do you receive the Holy Spirit.


NOTE: Did speaking in tongues stop with the disciples, or are they still available for us today?

Video Link: Has speaking in tongues stopped.


NOTE: Is speaking in tongues as the sign of the Holy Spirit different than the Gift of tongues Paul talked about in 1 Cor 12?

Video Link: Dorea tongues vs Charisma tongues.


NOTE: What does it mean to be “sealed” by the Holy Ghost?

Video Link: What is the Seal of the Holy Ghost.


NOTE: Is there a difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost? Is there different experiences?

Video Link: Holy Ghost vs Holy Spirit.




NOTE: What beautiful revelation hides behind Jesus’ question and Peter’s answer?

Video Link: Jesus asked Peter do you love me.


NOTE: Why did the KJV use the word “charity” and how is it different than “love”?

Video Link: Charity vs Love.




NOTE: What exactly is the 5-fold ministry and the details of each?

Video Link: 5-fold ministry.


NOTE: What is your ministry and purpose?

Video Link: How to find your Ministry and Purpose.


NOTE: Understand that your ministry and purpose are specific to you.

Video Link: Is their word my word?




NOTE: How is the best way to pray? Contrasting the Lord’s Prayer vs Tabernacle plan.

Video Link = Tabernacle Plan of prayer vs Lord’s prayer.


NOTE: What’s the difference between prayer and supplication and what it is critical to understand the difference?

Video Link = Supplication vs Prayer.


NOTE: A detailed look at tongues, and what Paul meant in saying “to pray in the spirit”.

Video Link = Pray in tongues or known language




NOTE: Deep analysis of Daniel’s 70-week prophecy. Rapture, end-times, anti-christ etc.

Video Link = Daniel’s 70 weeks.


NOTE: A deep study of the ancient Jewish wedding and how it shows a pre-trib rapture.

Video Link = The Ancient Jewish Wedding.


NOTE: Who are the 2 witnesses in Revelation that will be killed in the streets?

Video Link = Who are the 2 witnesses.


NOTE: Who are the “ekklesia” in the Greek and what does it mean?

Video Link = Who is the Ekklesia.


NOTE: Who are the “elect” and who is gathered by the angels?

Video Link = Who are the Elect.


NOTE: What is the last trumpet and how does it tie into the rapture and end-times?

Video Link = What is the last trumpet.


NOTE: What was the cock-crow that Jesus said Peter would hear in his betrayal?

Video Link = Was cock-crow a chicken.




NOTE: What does it mean to quench the Spirit?

Video Link = What is Quenching the Spirit?



Misc Videos:

NOTE: What does the Bible say about Abortion? When does life begin?

Video Link: Abortion.


NOTE: Did Jesus call women and Gentiles dogs? What is the hidden lesson?

Video Link: Did Jesus call us dogs?


NOTE: How many Prophets did Elijah actually kill?

Video: How many prophets did Elijah kill?


NOTE: Examines what day Jesus was crucified, the festival days and multiple sabbaths.

Video Link: What day was Jesus crucified?


NOTE: Does the Bible say thou shall not murder or kill? Which is it and what’s the difference?

Video Link: Shall not kill or murder?


NOTE: Are you offended and biter? You may be your own worst enemy.

Video Link: Offended and bitter.


NOTE: This is a reading of spiritual warfare scriptures for memorization and prayer.

Video Link: Memorize scriptures – Spiritual Warfare.


NOTE: This is a reading of Psalms 23 for memorization.

Video Link: Memorize Psalms 23.


NOTE: This is a reading of Psalms 91 for memorization.

Video Link: Memorize Psalms 91.


NOTE: This is a reading of Lord’s Prayer for memorization.

Video Link: Memorize the Lord’s Prayer.



More videos to come!