
I have held positions in the church such as evangelist, assistant pastor, and Pastor. I currently serve in the role of Pastor to a wonderful group of people whom I dearly love. I have also served on the board for the Men’s Ministry Dept.(Texas) and currently served as the Global Missions director for Texas Dist. Section 3.

I am also an Associated Minister with Global Missions; as one of my favorite things about ministry is taking short-term mission trips to other countries, and seeing God manifest his power and glory through signs, wonders, and miracles.

 My vision is to return back to God’s people what God has done in mine. “…freely ye have received, freely give” (Mat 10:8).

 The Lord has countlessly touched my own body with healings, given tongues and interpretations, prophetic words, spoken to me through visions, dreams, the prophetic word, and given me a gift to make the gospel simple and understandable.

 Now, in turn, I want to fulfill the purpose of God for the rest of my life which is to help build, equip, and empower the people of God to be everything they can be for God.

 I want to impart the Word of God unto you. Both in rhema and logos form. I want to equip you for God to speak to you through dreams and visions, and also to help you understand the word of God better than ever.

I want to help equip you and launch you into the destiny and purpose that God has for your life. I have seen many miracles such as: healings from stage 3 and stage 4 cancers, herniated discs in their back, arthritis, diabetes, high-blood pressure, blood clots, and a host of other sickness and disease. I have prayed with people who immediately experienced a turn-around in their emotions, finances and heath, with some people receiving supernatural deliverance from addictions, bondage’s, mental torment, and trauma and pain from the past.

One thing I know for sure is that I serve a living God who specializes in the impossible!