
Theo Heartsill Ministries

To build, equip, and empower the people of God to fulfil their destiny and purpose


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Welcome To My Blog – Discussions and insight into the Word of God and the Supernatural

Hello my friends!

I created this webpage to be a teaching platform where I can share the things that God has shared with me! It has become a great burden of mine over the past couple of years to pass along to you some of the things that God has done in my life.

I almost lost that chance in September of 2017 when I had a near-death experience resulting from a fall where I landed on my side and broke my body pretty severely.  That near-death experience included me walking toward a white light I couldn’t see into, and I was headed there whether I wanted to go or not. I could see rows and rows of angels on each side of me as I walked toward this white light and even though the experience was incredibly stunning and beautiful, I couldn’t enjoy it because of the incredible feeling of grief and regret on me. I felt the grief of the Father and now I know what God feels like when his people die before their time is up. He is grieved. It’s not his plan nor his desire. In that moment, as I walked toward that light I was feeling the unfulfilled purpose of God’s dreams, plans, and desires for my life. Cut short. Over. Done. Realizing there were many things God still had planned for me to do and experience and now it was being cut short.

I could hear the voice of my wife on the phone with 911 as I was leaving my body, and I could hear the voice of my daughters, Lindsey and Lauren, screaming out to God to spare my life. And God did spare my life.  I passed in and out of consciousness on the way to the emergency room while my family continued to scream and cry out to God in intercession. God did spare me that day. He saved me life and perhaps I’ll share that testimony with you sometime because there were many miraculous things that happened, but here was one particular moment of divine, supernatural power that brought an infusion of healing power from the top of my head to the soul of my feet as they were taking me in for a MRI exam. But I know now, better than ever before, how the graveyard is the place of wasted dreams, unwritten books, unsung songs, unfilled dreams, and unmanifested purpose.

Now that I have both seen and felt the other side – I HAVE to release to you what God has done in my life. I  want to empower you. I want to impart things unto you as Paul desired to impart things unto the Roman church to those coming up in the gospel after him. This is my desire and this is my unction. I have to release this miraculous power and signs and wonders into you. I want to equip you. I want YOU to stand before God, complete, whole, finished and satisfied, hearing, “Well done thou good and faithful servant…enter thou into the joy of thy lord” (Mat 25:21).

My desire is to save you from learning things the hard way and carrying a life of baggage with you because of it. Living life in frustration and wasting years of your life in the process. Struggling with a constant angry undertow of bitterness and hurt in you because of the school of hard knocks. Desperate. Wondering where God is and why things have turned out the way they have. Facing bitter struggles and wrestling with life’s hard questions. Wondering what happened to your own faith and God’s plans for your life.

I want to propel and expedite your journey. Facilitate your relationship with God and help you figure things out to increase your effectiveness for the kingdom and enhance your relationship with God. If I help you in any of that, then I will have succeeded.

Wouldn’t you love to find and fulfill your purpose? Wouldn’t you love to have a life of peace and joy? What would it look like to know you were walking in God’s divine pleasure. Fulfilling the call of God on your life?

So, whether you’re just starting out in your relationship with God, or you are a seasoned veteran who’s walked with God for many years, I hope and trust you will find something here that will help you, encourage you, and be a blessing to you!

If you have been blessed by this ministry or would like to share a testimony – go to the testimony page and fill one and help encourage another brother or sister who might be going through the same thing you have been through. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel. Click like on the videos and share them, and this will help them rank higher in the search list so other people can be blessed like you were.

We love and appreciate you!

I love you and look forward to hearing from you.

God bless,
